U-Turn for Christ Success Story
Alyssa Neag

I grew up in Upland and besides my parents never getting along, I had a good childhood. | danced as a kid and grew up in a catholic church. We were Sunday church goers but I had no idea who God really was. I did well in school up until I was 15 and was told I had to give up dance. It was then that everything changed and I started partying and experimenting with drugs. A few years later my dad and mom divorced and two months later my sister was in a horrible car accident that almost left her paralyzed. I didn’t know how to handle it and eventually I got hooked on pills and soon after moved to heroin. I tried going to sober living homes but it wasn’t until 2015, when I was brought to U-Turn For Christ, that I found Jesus. I did 1st and 2nd phase, thinking I was doing everything right but making compromises the whole time. After graduating, it wasn’t long before I ended up back in my sin. Having Jesus and being in my sin made it worse then ever. I didn’t want to do the things I was doing but I didn’t know how to stop;
Romans 7:15. ” For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do,
that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.” God is so faithful and in 2018 brought me back to the ministry.
I realized the first time I was here, those “small” compromises led to big mistakes. I committed to a year in 2nd phase and told myself I would do my best to not make compromises and be completely obedient to the Lord. I am now working at the U-Turn Thrift Store and God brought back the man I was afraid to lose. l’ve learned that God truly blesses obedience. I am so excited to see what God has for my future and happy to say that I live to glorify my savior Jesus Christ!